🌟 Introduction: My Journey with Synkwise
My name is Sarah Holbura and I am a Customer Support Specialist at Synkwise.
I started working at Synkwise shortly after obtaining my Associate of Arts degree at Clark Community College. I am coming up on 1 year of working here at Synkwise and I could not be happier with my experience so far!
🚀 Starting at Synkwise: Training and Growth
Throughout my first few months of training I remember not just enjoying the work, but the environment I was working in. I had coworkers and managers supporting me through the learning curve, making sure I wasn’t overworked or burning out, and helping me grow my skill set in my new position. As the months went on, the company culture stood out to me as a place that I could not only thrive professionally, but personally as well. I have learned so much here that I have applied to other areas of my life and that has helped me learn a lot about myself.
🎤 First Conference Experience: A Turning Point
My second month working at Synkwise I attended the 2023 Easy CEU Fall Conference in Portland Oregon. Experiencing that conference firsthand showed me how much this product impacted the healthcare community, and how big of a difference we were making. It was a confidence booster that the work I was doing was making a difference in our community and was truly helping providers everywhere. It made me proud to be a part of Synkwise.

💼 Evolving in My Role: From Tasks to Customer Onboarding
My role as a Customer Support Specialist has been a process in the making. When I started out, I was just learning the system and completing minor tasks. As my knowledge grew, I was interacting with customers on a daily basis, and frequently emailing them as well. As of about 4-5 months ago, I started doing onboarding calls with new customers, which was a great experience for me to see the journey of a new customer using our system.
🙏 Gratitude and Looking Ahead
I’ve accomplished and learned so much in just a short amount of time, and it truly reflects on the solid foundation this company has built prior to my arriving here. I am beyond grateful for the amazing people here that have become like family to me, and I hope to continue to grow and expand my skills to be able to succeed in my position and contribute to the growth of the company.